Default Robots Directive


Don't have a sitemap? Generate your XML Sitemap.

Additional Directive(s)


About Robots.txt Generator Tool

Robots.txt is a file that may be placed in your website's root folder to assist search engines index your site more accurately. Website crawlers, or robots, are used by search engines such as Google to evaluate all of the material on your website. You may not want them to crawl some portions of your website in order to include them in user search results, such as the admin page. These pages can be expressly ignored by adding them to the file. The Robots Exclusion Protocol is used by robots.txt files. This website will quickly produce the file for you based on the sites you want to exclude.

Search engines search your sites using robots (also known as User-Agents). The robots.txt file is a text file that specifies which areas of a domain a robot may crawl. A link to the XML-sitemap can also be included in the robots.txt file.

What Is the Use of Robots.txt in SEO?

The first file that search engine bots look at is the robots.txt file; if it is not discovered, crawlers are unlikely to index all of your site's pages. This short file may be changed later if you add more pages using little instructions, but make sure you don't include the main page in the forbid directive. Google operates on a crawl budget, which is based on a crawl limit. The crawl limit is the amount of time crawlers will spend on a website; however, if Google discovers that crawling your site is disrupting the user experience, it will crawl the site more slowly. This implies that each time Google sends a spider, it will only search a few pages of your site, and your most current article will take some time to be indexed. To remove this restriction, you must have a sitemap and a robots.txt file on your website. These files will help to speed up the crawling process by informing them which links on your site require special attention.

Because every bot has a crawl quotation for a website, a Best robot file for a wordpress website is also required. The reason for this is that it has a large number of pages that do not require indexing; you may even make a WP robots.txt file using our tools. Also, if you don't have a robots txt file, crawlers will still index your website; however, if it's a blog and the site doesn't contain a lot of pages, having one isn't required.

The Function of Directives in Robots.txt Files

If you are personally producing the file, you must be aware of the guidelines utilized in the file. You can even change the file when you've learned how they operate.

  1. Crawl-delay This directive prevents crawlers from overloading the host; too many queries might overwhelm the server, resulting in a poor user experience. Crawl-delay is processed differently by different search engine bots; Bing, Google, and Yandex all treat this directive differently. It is a wait between repeated visits for Yandex, a time window in which the bot will only visit the site once for Bing, and you may regulate the visits of the bots for Google via the search panel.
  2. Allowing The Allowing directive is used to allow the following URL to be indexed. You may add as many URLs as you like, but if it's a shopping site, your list may get lengthy. Still, only use the robots file if you don't want certain pages on your site to be crawled.
  3. Disallowing A Robots file's primary function is to prevent crawlers from visiting the specified URLs, folders, and so forth. These folders, on the other hand, are visited by other bots that must check for malware since they do not comply with the norm.

Rules or Directives in Robots.txt File

Crawlers follow rules to determine which areas of your site they can crawl. When adding rules to your robots.txt file, keep the following in mind:

  1. A robots.txt file is divided into one or more groups.
  2. Each group is made up of several rules or directives (instructions), with one directive per line. Each group starts with a User-agent line that indicates the groups' target.
  3. The following information is provided by a group:
    1. Who the group is for (the user agent).
    2. Which folders or files can the agent access?
    3. Which folders or files the agent is unable to access.
  4. Crawlers work their way through groups from top to bottom. A user agent can only match one rule set, which is the first and most specific group that matches it.
  5. A user agent is assumed to be able to crawl any page or directory that is not banned by a disallow rule.
  6. Case-sensitivity applies to rules. Disallow: /register.php, for example, applies to but not to
  7. The # character denotes the start of a remark.

The differences between Sitemap and Robots.txt

A sitemap is essential for all websites because it provides information that search engines may use. A sitemap tells bots how frequently you update your website and what sort of material it offers. Its main purpose is to tell search engines of all the pages on your site that need to be crawled, whereas the robots.txt file is for crawlers. It instructs crawlers on which pages to crawl and which to avoid. A sitemap is required to have your site crawled, although a robots.txt file is not (unless you have pages that do not need to be indexed).

You can create both robots.txt and sitemal.xml file using my Robots.txt Generator and XML Sitemap Generator.

Example of Robots.txt File

A standard robots.txt file looks like this:

User-agent: *
Allow: /

User-agent: *
Allow: /directory/

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /cgi-bin/

User-agent: msnbot
Disallow: /sign-up.php


This Robots.txt Generator tool will make it very easy to create on like above. Start using it now!

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