Characters: 0
Words: 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Reading Time: 0
SEO Content Analysis
Top keywords:

About Word Counter

Count the number of word, sentence, character, paragraph, reading time, even top keywords used in a set of text in real-time, all for free. This tool is really helpful to breakdown all important information regarding a text you enter into the text area.

What exactly is Word Counter?

Aside from counting words and characters, our online editor can help you improve your word choice and writing style, as well as detect grammar errors and plagiarism. Simply place your mouse in the text box above and begin typing to determine the word count. As you enter, erase, and change them, the amount of characters and words will rise or decrease. You may also copy and paste content from another software into the above-mentioned web editor.

Knowing a text's word count can be useful. For example, suppose an author is required to produce a certain number of words for an article, essay, report, narrative, book, or paper. Word Counter will assist in ensuring that its word count meets a specified demand or remains under a specific restriction.

Word Counter also displays the top ten keywords and keyword density for the article you're writing. This enables you to determine which terms you employ how frequently and in what percentages. This might help you avoid overusing specific terms or word combinations and ensure the optimal keyword distribution in your writing.

The average speaking and reading time for your content can be seen in the Details overview, while Reading Level indicates the education level required to grasp the words you're using.

Disclaimer: We make every effort to make our tools as accurate as possible, but we cannot promise that this will always be the case.

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